
इ'म बेक आफ्टर अल

This is so weird. Why the fuck did my computer just turn my title into some random Asian symbols ? Well, anyways, it says -- I'm back. For good. No getting rid of me now ( all two of my followers ) How sad. :/ Whatevvvva. I damned well like doing this. And it's a good thing. If I didn't, I would definitely NOT be doing this. Wasting my time.

What the fuck ever.

Wow, what a comeback announcement. So weird. I mean, seriously, is my computer fucking insane ? I think so. Well, if any of my two followers happen to read those Chineseish symbols up there ^^^ , could you do me a favor and let me know what the hell they mean ( and if you are a computer geek, could you kindly tell me why they're there --? )


XO, that skinny bitch


I'm so stupid.

Why have I posted blog after blog about something that's not evennn a big deal?
I apologize for the inconvenience.

Freak - a - Leakkk.



Checkkkk it outtt.

It's my new blog.

With my life.

Real drama, real people, real issues.

In my circle.

WARNING; May cause headaches,
dizziness, confusion, and possibly addiction.

XO, Alexus



My best friend - is new to Polyvore.
I personally think her first set is kick ass.
Check it outtt ,eeew
eeew - by Flaggerfrick. on Polyvore.com

Drama, Drama, Drama;

I hate drama. But, somehow I'm always in the middle.
Stupid people can die.
It's like, you're an idiot.
a. Talk about my best friend when you're around me
b. Tell me that you like my best friends boyfriend
c. Tell me you like who I like and that you're going for him too
d. Roll your eyes at me
e. Hold a note up to the light so i see MY name all over it
f. Write bulletins about me/my friends
g. Be ugly - If you can help it


Okay, You're retarded.